
WEB Catalog

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Air Servo Cylinder IN-777

    Produced upon receipt of order

    ?Capable of air cylinder multipoint positioning and control
    ?Fast response and high positioning repeatability
     Positioning repeatability: ±0.5 mm
    ?Easier maintenance due to unitization
    ?Built-in self-diagnosis function (LED lamp and signal output)
    ?Emergency stop of the piston when the air or power supply is cut
TypeSeriesActionBore size (mm)Max. speed
Air servo cylinderIN-777Double acting, Single rod125, 160, 200, 250, 320?125 to ?250:155 mm/sec
?320:80 mm/sec


■Capable of air cylinder multipoint positioning and control
■Fast response and high positioning repeatability

With a built-in position sensor, the servo valve can be used to control the flow rate on both the head side and the rod side of the cylinder, and it can also be used to position the cylinder.

■Cylinder with an integrated servo valve and controller
■Easier maintenance due to unitization
■Easy initial setting

Input an I/O signal to move the rod forward, and set the rod stop position to 20 mA (or 4 mA).

■Speed adjustment function

Capable of 10-level speed setting

■Built-in self-diagnosis function
(LED lamp and signal output)
■Fail-safe ports

If the air servo cylinder air or power supply is cut, air from the emergency tank can be supplied via the FA/FB port in order to allow for the manual operation of the air cylinder rod.

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