
Financial Indicators

Consolidated Operating Results

Net sales

(million yen)

Operating income

(million yen)

Ordinary income

(million yen)

Profit attributable to owners of parent

(million yen)

Basic earnings per share


Rate of return on equity


Consolidated Financial Positions

Total assets

(million yen)

Net assets

(million yen)

Capital adequacy ratio


Net assets per share


Consolidated Cash Flows

Cash flows from operating activities

(million yen)

Cash flows from investing activities

(million yen)

Cash flows from financing activities

(million yen)

Cash and equivalents, end of period

(million yen)

Dividend Results



Total dividend paid

(million yen)

Payout ratio


Ratio of total amount of dividends to net assets


长丰县| 内江市| 凤台县| 白沙| 郯城县| 耿马| 奉节县| 崇阳县| 霞浦县| 吉安市| 布尔津县| 平乡县| 岗巴县| 平潭县| 洪洞县| 乌拉特后旗| 邢台市| 西安市| 浦江县| 全南县| 宿迁市| 青龙| 东乡族自治县| 宁国市| 南宫市| 湖州市| 泰兴市| 邵武市| 苍南县| 普宁市| 金塔县| 西平县| 犍为县| 福鼎市| 桂东县| 泰和县| 浪卡子县| 桂阳县| 伊宁县| 达孜县| 聂拉木县|