

產(chǎn)品信息 ?  產(chǎn)品目錄  ? 真空用元件  ? 真空破壞單元


真空、破壞單元 VQD1000-V




■Adaptable to 0603 chip
■Response speed
13 msec(at 500 mm*)/18.5 msec(at 1000 mm*
* Distance from the unit to the work area
■Smooth detachment of a work piece without over-blow

The work piece will not be blown away when the air is released.

■No need to adjust the timing when switching between vacuum and positive pressure. (single signal control)
■No need to design a restrictor circuit for release air.
■N.O. (Vacuum absorption type when de-energized) and N.C. (Vacuum shutoff type when de-energized) specifications are available.

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