●DC canned pump
A pump with a seal-less construction combining the motor and the pump in one. It can be made in compact sizes with absolutely no external leakage of fluid. A DC brushless motor is used.
●DC power supply
A device which produces DC power from commercial AC power. DC power is for CPUs inside equipment and other control circuits. Peltier elements for Peltier circulators, thermoelectric baths and other equipment are driven with DC power, so they have a high-capacity DC power supply built-in.
●Degree of viscosity
Thickness of a fluid. The units used to express absolute degree of viscosity are [Pa·s] units, but it is often expressed within the CGS system of units with [P] (Poise).
1 [Pa·s] = 10 [P]
The value obtained by dividing absolute degree of viscosity by density is called the kinetic viscosity. This can be measured in [m2/s] units, but in general, [St] (Stokes) are used.
1 [St] = 0.0001 [m2/s]
●Deionized water
Water that has had any impurities or ion elements removed. It is obtained by removing ion elements with ion exchange resin, after filtering out impurities with a particle filter. Its theoretical specific resistance has a limit of 18.3 [MΩ·cm], but it is impossible to actually attain this value. As a general rule, water with a specific resistance of 1 to 10 MΩ·cm is referred to as deionized water.
●Density, specific gravity
The weight per unit of volume, measured in units of [kg/m3].
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a given substance to the density of water (1.0 [g/cm3]), and is a dimensionless quantity. When expressing this quantity within the CGS system of units, density and specific gravity have the same value.
A standard for serial communication.
An open network owned by ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association Inc.), a non-profit organization headquartered in the US. This is a field network standard covering a wide scope, from the sensor level to the device level.A standard for serial communication.
An open network owned by ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association Inc.), a non-profit organization headquartered in the US. This is a field network standard covering a wide scope, from the sensor level to the device level.
●DI filter
A filter that is filled with ion exchange resin used to remove leftover ions from the water. DI stands for “deionized,” while “DI water” is deionized water, or water with its ions removed.