SMC Espa?a S.A.U.

SMC Espa?a S.A.U.(HQ)
Zuazobidea 14, 01015 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Phone: +34-945-184-100
Number of employees | Approx. 370 |
Managing Director | David Gallego |
Head office / Factory building |
Head office /Land area:22,000m2
Factory building: Floor space: +17,000m2 |
ISO certification | ISO 9001, ISO 14001 |
In 1990, SMC Espa?a, S.A.U. was founded as an overseas subsidiary of SMC not only for Spain, but also for Portugal.
With the aim to collaborate with customers to fulfill their needs closely, SMC offers technical assessment on product and applications for a wide variety of industries through an extensive network of salesforce and distributors in every region of Spain and Portugal.
SMC Spain has its head office in Vitoria, a city in northern Spain.
The head office with an area of 22,000m2 includes manufacturing and warehouse facilities.
Branches in Spain e-mail:
SMC Espa?a, S.A.U. (HQ)
Zuazobidea 14, Pol. Ind. Jundiz, 01015
Vitoria-Gasteiz (álava),Spain
Phone: +34-945-184-100
SMC Barcelona
Ronda Ponent 99-103, 08206 Sabadell, Barcelona,
Phone: +34-937-270-507
SMC Madrid
Avda. Manoteras, 44, Planta baja A, 28050 Madrid,
Phone: +34-917-680-770
SMC Valencia
Avda. Cortes Valencianas 10, 46015 Valencia,
Phone: +34-963-459-353
Branches in Portugal e-mail:
SMC Lisboa
Alameda dos Moinhos, 9G, 2720-381
Alfragide Portugal
Phone: +351-214-724-500
SMC Porto
Rua Engo Ferreira Dias 452, 4100-246
Porto Portugal
Phone: +351-226-166-570
Main Production Series
Pneumatic Actuators
C85, C76, C96, CP96, MY1B, MY1M, MY1C, MY3, CG1-Z, CG5
Product assemblies
FRL Units: AC-A, AC-B, AC-D
Valve Manifolds: SY, VQC, SV, New SY, JSY
Cylinder + accessories: (all series)
Main Inventory Series
Directional Control Equipment | SY, SYJ, New SY, JSY, VQC, VT, VS7, VP |
Fieldbus system | EX245, EX250, EX260, EX500, EX600, EX600-W, EXW1 |
Pneumatic Actuators | CQ2, C85, MGP, C55, CQS, CG1, CG5, C96, CP96, MSQ, CRA, CRB, MK, MY1, CVQ, CU, RSQ, MH, JMH, |
Electric Actuators & Drivers | LEF, LEH, LEJ, LES(H), LEY, JXC, LER, LEC |
Air Preparation equipment | AC, AF, AL, AW, VHS, IR, ARG, ARM, AV, IDG, AM, AMG, AMK, IDFA |
Fittings, tubing and speed controllers | AS, KC, KF, KK, KP, KQ2, KQB2, KQG2, M, TU, TUH, TUS, TUZ, T, TS, TCU, TLM, TH, TPS, TRTU, TRBU |
Vacuum equipment | ZP, ZP2, ZP3, ZH, ZK2, ZL, ZSE, ZU,ZFC |
Fluid control equipment | JSX2, JSXF, JSXD, JSXZ, VX2, VXD, VXZ, VNB,VND, LV, PA, PB |
Sensors | ISE, ZSE, PF3A, PF3W, PF2M, PSE, ISA3, AMS |
Ionizers | IZS, IZT, IZN, IZG, IZH, IZF, IZE, ZVB |
Chillers | HRS, HRSH, HRZ, HRR, HRL |
Others | IP, AN, G, D-, RB, ITV, KN, VMG, CHK |
? In addition to the above main stock series, they also carry other stock in response to the requirement of their customers.
SMC International Training
Zuazobidea 14, Vitoria 01015, Spain
Phone: +34-945-001-033
Fax: +34-945-001-024
Manager: Mariano Carreras
SMC International Training, the training division of SMC Corporation
Our goal is for you to be fully trained and develop the professional competencies needed by any technical specialist in today's automated industry.
We offer training systems and services for mechatronics, industrial automation and Industry 4.0 allowing to acquire competences in automation technologies.
Based on the needs of the INDUSTRY, our products are focused on universities, vocational training centers and technical training centers, as well as large companies with in-house training.
With our range of products, you will become an expert in the following technologies:
?Pneumatics, hydraulics, vacuum, sensors.
?Programmable controllers, continuous processes, motion control
?Robotics, machine vision, industrial communications, SCADA, E.R.P. and Manufacturing
?E.R.P. and Manufacturing Execution Systems (M.E.S.)
?Industry 4.0
Through the following solutions:
?E-LEARNING courses
?Didactic equipment - different product families that will allow you to develop skills in mechatronics and industrial automation technologies. Each system emulates a real industrial environment, using advanced technologies and components.
?Certification program - A complete international certification program supported by the SMC Competence Center.